Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A(nother) Wishlist in Photos

How's the holiday shopping going? Since I've only got 2 more to go on my list, I've been browsing around and expanding my own wishlist. I was going to do another Wishlist in Song but that was a lot of work and I just haven't the inspiration to do it again. Instead, I'll make do with photos and a some words instead.

Let's start with the ubiquitous NARS Orgasm blush. Who doesn't love that afterglow? Better yet, how about a Super Orgasm, or a Multiple Orgasm?.

Protect and Style, to go with my holy grail of hair stylers (even if it isn't in the hot pink).

Bliss Softening Socks, since I wear high heels everyday.

Bandolino "Moc-N-Go" Flats

iPod Touch, perhaps with my Christmas money?

Christian Louboutin's Anemone - only $141 here!

The Mini E! Need I say more? Here's more eco-friendly cuteness.


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