Monday, September 12, 2005

My brother and I started painting my mom's room today. She's visiting relatives in Taiwan right now so we thought it'd be a nice surprise for her when she gets back. The original colour's a dark peach and although it's nice but it's too dark for such a dinky room, and a tree grows outside the window so not a lot of sunlight is let in to begin with. We're painting it a sky blue - a much lighter colour - which'll really open up the room and so far so good. I've managed to only get paint on my hands and my brother got paint on his feet when he accidentally stepped on the paint can lid. We only painted half of the room because my mom has really heavy furniture and we didn't want to haul everything out and back in again; we're finishing the rest of it tomorrow. So far, it looks awesome...but I think the fumes are getting to me.

I was watching a show about hauntings on the Travel channel today and they started talking about the Odeon Cinema in Bristol, England! I was, like, I've been there! I didn't know it was haunted. Apparently, a manager was shot and died there decades ago and his spirit haunts the place. OOOoooOOOooo.


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