Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Catch Up

Last Friday was St. Patrick's Day and we (Ryan, Georgia and I) met up with some friends at another friend's house party. Last time we were at Liam's house, it was for his housewarming party and it was so not crackin'. Mainly because he was playing some crap music. This time, however, was much better. There were a lot more people and there was an actual DJ playing good music. We got to catch up with some friends and dance. And a friend's crush showed up, too! Boo, hiss because he gave off conflicting vibes and sent confusing messages...he's supposedly straight but there are a LOT of BUTS. Oh, but he is cute. Anyways, he was there and Ryan went a little crazy. Poor Ryan. Oh, but we went out on Saturday and the hot bouncer guy (also named Ryan but I'll call him Ry^2 to make it simple) was there! Ry^2 was the coat check guy last week and on Saturday he was glass collector and he is SOOOO nice. No, seriously, he's really nice and he's got a wonderful smile. So I made Ryan draw up a strategic plan to get him; Ryan's been wanting him for ages (!) but he always gets shy around people he actually likes! He wrote a note and his number on a napkin and gave it to Ry^2 on our way out the door. Woohoo! I'm so proud of him :D yay!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed cuz Ry^2 is really cute and seems really nice and Ryan deserves someone really cute and nice.

Sunday I went to The Melting Pot in Bellevue for my Good Luck dinner with most of the girls at work. It was nice but rreeaallyy expensive; our bill came to about $300 after tax and gratuity for 6 people. Damn. The cheese fondue appetizer was pretty good; we got herb & garlic cheddar and mexican salsa. Herb & garlic was really good...but then again, I do love garlic, and I didn't care so much for the mexican salsa cheese fondue. We had bread (yum!) and apples (weird? yes.) to fondue. Then came salads - mm mmm! The entrees were goooood; we had a whole ménage of meats and veggies: prawns, salmon (yum!) beef sirloin, teriyaki beef, portobello mushrooms, zucchini/corgettes (mm!)...and BEST of all, we got lobster tail (yes! Yes! YES!!). I absolutely love lobster! Oh, it makes me drool just thinking about it! We had two burners and pots and in them were broth and seasonings to give them different tastes: one was coq au vin (lots of garlic and wine) and the other was mojo style (a citrus'y caribbean flavour) And dessert was pretty good, too. Chocolate fondue. We dipped pineapple chunks, strawberries, brownie bites (love it!), marshmellows, bananas and pieces of pound cake in the chocolate mixtures. Everyone loved dessert but I loved the entrees more; I never did have much of a sweet-tooth. Best of all, they all got me gifts! I seriously always have the best coworkers - FAO, The Daily, Debenhams, Crabtree - and I'm really lucky. They got me the wallet I wanted from Fireworks! I was shopping with Cattreya the other day and pointed it out as a possible purchase since I've been looking for a new wallet but one that's different, funky, wild and/or crazy. This one was perfect because, although it wasn't wild or crazy, it was different and had enough funkiness to it to be cool but it also looked feminine and sophisticated. Not an easy look to pull off! I love my new wallet!! AND they also gave me £20! I'm, like, 'Wow, THANKS GUYS!' See? I do have the best workmates!


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