Sunday, March 05, 2006


So I started tango lessons 2 weeks ago. I've missed wearing my dance shoes every week and I know they've missed me wearing them! Our instructor's pretty cool and the class is pretty good. Except for Mark. He's an older guy (40s? 50s?) who is really creepy. He talks like a pedophile; his voice is, like, supposed to be soothing but the way it comes out makes my skin crawl. He's like, 'Oh, you're doing so dance really, you really know this stuff...ok, we're gonna go straight, we're gonna turn...' It's something you have to hear to get creeped out. Or use your imagination. Too bad there's no audio on this. He thinks he's good and doing the right steps; last week, I told him, 'No, you're putting the wrong foot forward. No, your weight should be on the other foot. No, you need to step that way.' I took control of the situation; I'll be damned if I was gonna let him creep me out again! Ugh, just thinking about it gives me the heebie jeebies.


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