Cars, Cars, Cars
I like cars. I really like cars. I guess it comes growing up with boys, from family friends' kids (the girls were always much, much older than me) to my cousins. Just the other day, I was telling my coworker that the car I want *right now* is an old Mini Cooper, probably in British Racing Green (is that what it's called?), and my luxury dream car is a Jaguar (I haven't chosen the colour yet but black is most apt I think) - both hybrids, of course. Sadly, the old Minis aren't big enough to handle the batteries that a hybrid requires and I haven't heard anything about hybrid Jaguars.
So my roaming eyes landed on the Tesla Roadster, the battery-fueled car that'll hit you faster than you can say, 'Vroom vroom.' It's a sports car, in case 'Roadster' didn't give it away, and it goes from 0-60 in, like, 3 seconds. Three. Vroom vroom, indeed. Oh be still my beating heart! I'd love to take THAT for spin. The Tesla runs on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries - the same kind laptops run on. Let's just hope they're not like Sony's. No emissions, Lamborghini fast? That's pretty sexy and pretty darn cool.
Then I stumbled upon an hybrid Mini today. WOOHOO! Albeit, it's the new Mini but it's a Mini nonetheless! Plus, the PLM Mini QED goes from 0-60 in 4.5 seconds. Impressive. And cute to boot!
And speaking of fast cars, on Sunday I watched a 9-minute, heart-racing, adrenaline-pumping 'movie' (if you can call 9 minutes a movie). Nick came over and brought with him C'etait un Rendezvous. Read the link. It's very hard to get a legitmate copy of this DVD and the one he had belonged to his mom's boyfriend. While watching it, I could actually feel my heart rate increase; my pulse was pounding at the end of it and the whole thing was less than 10 minutes! Crazy, but very, very cool.
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