Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fortune Cookie?

Fortune cookie necklace from Amy Peters' Studio, actually. How cute, how me! *Checks price* Ooh, how expensive. :-/ But still oh-so-cute! The gold-plated cookie charm is suspended from a chain and the fortune passes through the cookie when the necklace is worn. There are seven different fortunes that you can choose from. I personally prefer "You are loved beyong measure" (but it's sold out) and "Take the leap".

Every child should get one of these:

"From an acorn grows a strong and mighty oak" is quite good for little boys, I think. Okay, they might not actually wear it but you can fasten it onto their backpacks or make it into a keychain as a constant positive encouragement.

This one's good for all kids but the hearts tend to veer it towards girls: "You already have it within you." So true.


Blogger June said...

the fortune ones are cute but i like the "you already have it within you" one!

10:16 PM  

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