Monday, November 27, 2006


Karaoke is a popular form of entertainment and is very popular in Asia. I indulged this stereotypically traditional pastime last Saturday. Ya Ting's leaving for Australia (or has left already actually) on a exchange student program and we got together for some fun.

The place we went to had a pretty wide selection of songs, even English tunes. They weren't totally up-to-date but that's asking a bit much anyway. I did sing several English songs and even managed a Taiwanese one with Ling Jun! It was an oldie, so one that I remember from when I was little. Impressive, no? Haha.

Afterwards, we went to a nearby restaurant (above picture) and had dinner and bubble tea.

Here are some pictures from Ling Jun's album.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Je deteste karaoke. =S

12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why aren't you doing a cutesy "V" sign or "index-finger-pointing-to-cheek" pose?
Oh yeah, and OH NO!! *does a dissapointed and disgusted face* You're so dark compared to the other girls!
Which man will want you?! =O (LMAO.)

12:10 AM  
Blogger Jessie said...

j'aime le karaoke! LMAO @ 'Which man will want you now?!' you're so heartless meera - it's a damn good thing i love you :P

4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it still cracked you up though. =)

7:27 AM  

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