My First Pedicure!
Ok. Everyone who knows me knows I'm the Fashion & Beauty Guru. I love clothes and makeup and I'm the Queen of Shop. So this may come as a shock when I say that I had my first ever pedicure yesterday. I know, I know! Holy cow, you say. I hear ya. Why the hell didn't I do this sooner?! Em, Dem and I went to InSpa, a Seattle based day spa chain, to get pedicures and get some girl-bonding-time in. Well, we didn't get to bond too much over our sessions because we had to stagger our appointments..but anyways, it was great! I loved it!! We went to the one in Bellevue Square and the people there are really friendly and professional. If felt soooooooo good, putting my feet in the warm churning water, getting them all soft and smooth, trimmed and beautified! Funny story: the lady who did my feet was absolutely horrified at the calluses. Yes, I admit it: I've got calluses. Hell, if you've never had a pedicure - either professionally done or self done - in your life, you'd have them, too. Anyways, I was slightly embarassed - I'm supposed to be all up on this kind of thing! - and was taken aback at her dramatic reaction. She was, like, "You've got to get zis fixed! If you do not do anysing, those calluses vill get vorse and vorse and it vill hurt very much to get zem removed!!" Holy cow, again. Ok, so having been properly scared, them pampered, I bought a foot masque, a foot cream and a little filer thing designed especially for such purposes that will guarantee me soft and pretty feet. 'Chu-ching' went the register. Yikes, beauty sure is expensive. Damn them flaws... But now my feet are pretty and my toenails are painted this AWESOME hot pink colour; it's called 'Take Me to Greece' and it's OPI (read: really good nail polish). Dem said it's electrifying and, damn, it is.

You have pretty toes. Could I trade mine with yours?
As for the calluses, if a beautician saw the calluses on my feet, she'd probably send me to the podiatrist to get them removed first. :)
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