House hunting is a bitch. I am so frustrated and pissed off about not finding what I want, what I need and basically not making any progress at all. This is ridiculous! I'm frustrated with myself mainly because I should've found a place to live by now and I haven't; I'm still, essentially, homeless. I've come to face the harsh truth: I can't live in London. And I really want to. If I'm only going to be here for 6 months then I want to milk London for all its worth. The rent and the cost of living I can totally afford; what I can't afford is those two plus the cost of commuting to work. Transportation is not cheap. Damnit. Thus, I am forced to look further north and I've got my eyes set on Stevenage in Hertfordshire. It's smack dab in the middle of the direct train route from London to work (Huntingdon); it's about 35 minutes to either destination and there are late trains from London to Stevenage. So that's the plan: find a place to live in or near Stevenage. I've made several phone calls and am just twiddling my thumbs waiting for replies.
Work is going well though. I like the environment, the people I work with and the actual work itself. They gave me a phone with seemingless unlimited free calls (seemingless because as far as my boss knows, there are no restrictions) and a laptop (that I haven't completely Jessified yet). The big boss of the office (I've forgotten his position/title) is real good friends with my dad and upon meeting me, reminded me of the time he spoke to me on the phone when I was living in Hull when he and my dad were in a "druken stupor" (his words, not mine). Haha. I remember the conversation - he'd told me to go visit Scarborough - and I'm surprised he remembered it in his state at the time. Apparently he knows my dad's boss - a family friend - real well, too. What a small world.
Oh yeah, and a lorry (a semi-truck) toppled over outside our office when it sped through an amber light around a roundabout. Oi. Those lights are supposed to prevent such things from happening but the lorry drivers just speed up instead of stopping...and you get this:

That was the view from our office windows. The long dark rectangular shape is a lorry on its side (it looks like it's attached to the yellow lorry but it's not). It happened in the morning, maybe around 10am or so and they still hadn't flipped it back up by the time I left at 4:30. One of the guys called 999 and said that a lorry had flipped over and the operator asked who we wanted to call for: ambulance, police or the fire brigade. What the hell? All three? Shouldn't they know?? After he got off the phone with the operator, we had a good laugh about it. No one got hurt; we saw the driver climb out alright.
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