Playing Catch-Up
Wow, so much has happened in a week. I won't blog all the details because too much has happened and I'm lazy and I don't want said details to be privy to all and sunder, but let's just say the last two weeks have been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. I don't know how I would've gotten through it without my bffs Ryan and Tony, as well as Flick, Ros, Nicola, Raven, Yseult, Val and Kate. Thank my lucky stars for friends who are willing to listen to you rant and love you unconditionally. And to you guys who are reading this, thanks for listening to me rant. :) Anyway, my emotional equilibrium has been restored and all is peachy keen. Actually, they're even better than peachy keen - they're fantabulous!!
On other news, I've got some random pictures from Ryan's and Jr's (FINALLY!) cameras:

The rest are from happy hour at the Matador

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