Ceroc Withdrawal

The only place in the US that has Ceroc, for now, is Florida. FLORIDA!! That's so on the other side of the country! Arghhh. However, however, it is also in BC, Canada, more specifically Surrey and Vancouver. It's only (haha, only) a 3 hour drive. Granted, I can't make the Ceroc nights (that's the social nights with lessons in the beginning of the evening) unless I ask for time off, which I can't really because I'll need all the comp time I can get for the weddings I need to attend this year and plus I don't get holiday time my first year of working (damn American companies), but at least I can make the Cerocshops on the weekends. Plan of action: a weekend getaway to Canada so I can get my Ceroc fix. I know Ryan, Matt and Georgia want to go to Canada and I'm sure they'd love Ceroc. They love dancing and who wouldn't love Ceroc - it's so awesome!
I wish I had a friend who loved dance as much as I do. Ryan likes dancing well enough and I know he really enjoyed salsa but he's not crazy about it like I am. How crazy you ask? Crazy enough to contemplate taking an early day and driving up on a Tuesday or Thursday to make the lesson and driving straight home afterwards. That's mad, I know, but I'd seriously consider doing it if I had a partner in crime, and that's exactly what I'm missing: a partner in crime, aka a dance partner. It's not easy to find a good dance partner, evidenced by Raven. He's got a new dance partner and his girlfriend dances as well, but they're apparently not as good as I am. Way to boost a girl's ego, haha :D. The sentiment's reciprocated anyway; Ryan's really good but he's not quite Raven either. Ah well, we just have to make the best of what we've got, eh? When life gives me lemons, I make lemonade and I'll make it damn good, too.
Anyway, Canada anyone? Let's dance!
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