Huskies vs. Trojans
I went to the Huskies vs. Trojans game last Saturday and I had such a blast! My boss got four tickets from a client as a thank you gift and since he couldn't make it, he gave them away. They were quite nice seats on the visitors' side and we had a really good view. It was so exhilarating to be in the middle of all that energy and to find yourself getting caught up in it, jumping to your feet and yelling whenever we made a touchdown (or did anything good for that matter!).
The Dawgs started out doing real well but by the second quarter, we were behind. We were trailing by 10 points in the last minute and a half in the 4th quarter...then we made a touchdown! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!!! We sho' did. That and a field goal put us at 27-24; 3 points is better than 10.

The Trojans kept wanting to start shit with us, too. They would shove our boys around; at one point during the game while a pileup was clearing up, one Trojan, who'd landed on top of a Husky during the pileup, got up then shoved our guy back down to the turf as he was trying to get up, too. Penalty flags kept flying all over the place! They ended the game with 16 penalties; we had 9. They're a rude lot and displayed poor sportsmanship. My friend joked that USC stood for University of Spoiled Children. *Snort*
All in all though, we had a fantastic time.
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