Friday, August 24, 2007

Facebook On Newsweek

In case no one's noticed, Facebook's on the cover of this week's Newsweek. Way to go! After all my non-school friends and friends not on any college network (friends from Hull, former coworkers from my UK jobs, Ceroc friends) started joining, I knew the times were changing. It's so random to realize that your latest friend request is from your former boss.

Reading the article totally reminded me of my last class in uni, Basic Concepts of New Media with D. Silver, in which the entire platform of the class revolved around Facebook. I still have the emails that the Facebook team wrote to us in response to our final project. Awesome.

Note: after reading about former AOL CEO Steve Case befriending Bill Gates, I had to go look up Bill and sure enough, he's there! R wanted me to befriend him (and say what? 'Hey Bill, I'm dating one of your engineers so you should be friends with me!' HA) but he'd most definitely reject me (it's not like I'm his company's Marketing Coordinator) and I'd be gutted so I'd like to just avoid that.


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