Ceroc in Seattle
(Good God, my last post was almost four weeks ago!) Okay, it's more like Ceroc in Redmond but it's Ceroc nonetheless and any Ceroc makes me happy. And finding local Ceroc enthusiasts makes me ecstatic! It's been ages since I've danced (I can't even remember the last time I went to salsa) and I've been getting really desperate and eyeing the northern road.
So these fellow Ceroc'ers get together once a week at one of the Microsoft buildings to dance. Hurrah! Apparently only one of them has had 'official' instruction; she took some Ceroc classes one summer in California. (Wonder why and how Ceroc ended up in Cali.) Anyway, they've been using her knowledge and Youtube videos to come up with routines and moves. Tough way to learn but I'll be joining them next Monday so we'll see how useful I'll be and how much I remember.
But there's even more Ceroc news! Ceroc Canada is having their first Weekender May 3-4 and I'm so there. Ryan's coming, too. Hurrah again. :)
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