Further Observations of Pilates
Some more thoughts and observations after a week of Pilates:
~ Some of the moves are seriously indecent. "Lie on your back, your spine flat on the floor, and raise your legs up straight with pointed toes. Now open your legs as wide as you can and keep them straight!" Hello, I'm open for business! Sheesh.
~ A comment of the aforementioned indecent postures led to Ryan asking if there were any camel toes. After much hilarious laughter, I said I've no idea as I wasn't looking and if there were, I wouldn't want to see any! I agree with Marc Jacobs. Say no to camel toe!

~ Those boys - and I do mean boys - that I saw last Wednesday showed up again at the weight machines outside the classroom. I saw them staring through glass wall, on the verge of plastering their youthful, overeager faces against the glass and licking the glass. Don't try to pretend you're lifting weights! We all know you're staring. Roll in your tongue, boys, before someone trips and splits their head open on the bench! Pups *disgust*.
~ After only a week, I'm already used to the exercises. My body's not twinging with aches in places I hadn't realized could twinge and my lower back doesn't feel bruised anymore (no idea how I bruised that part of my anatomy but there you have it). The same with the dizziness. I felt a little lightheaded a couple of minutes after I finished my first class, but now there's just a faint trace of wooziness.
~ My tailbone makes it difficult to sit at certain angles, certain angles that seem to be an integral part of Pilates. Just call me Ms. Wobbly...
~ "Make sure your entire spine, from hips to neck, are lying flat on the mat." Is it just me or is that just slightly unnatural and requires an additional adjustment once you are lying down? My lower back arches up when I lie down so I always have to adjust my back to 'lie flat'.
~ I have trouble breathing. (Ha, that just sounds funny.) Actually, I had the same problem in yoga: they say to fill your lungs and feel them expand on the inhale. Well, after 4 years of choir (and one summer of band camp!) and breathing with my diaphragm instead of my lungs (I took my lessons to heart), I've found it hard to 'feel them expand'. I guess I'm just thinking too much and too hard about it.
To top off the day, at the end of class I bumped into THE. CUTEST. GUY. I was walking down the stairs and as I rounded the corner, he was doing the same coming up the stairs. Ooh, he was so cute!! It's funny how I was just saying yesterday that there hasn't been a man who's stopped me in my tracks in a long time and now lookee here, two in a row! Anyway, he was tall, close to 6' I'm guessing since I was a couple of steps above him, dark, dark hair and the warmest eyes I've ever seen. Then eye contact and BAM, he smiled and my brain (and body?) kind of short circuited. Wow. Luckily I retained enough of my faculties to smile back but I was so flustered - Unblievable! I never get flustered! - that I scurried off without saying anything. God, I felt like I was 12 *laugh*, but oh he was cute.
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