Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Finished My Essay!

For the life of me, I could not concentrate on my work last night. I knew what would happen if I let it happen: I'd chat to friends until midnight or so then start working on my essay. So instead of wasting my time like that, I went to sleep for 4 hours and got up at 2am to start cracking. Good thing I already had most of the preliminary work done, the skeleton, so I just had to flesh it out and expand my concepts. Worked till almost 10, then got ready to head to uni...worked for another half hour, then went to class. Finished it between 3:30 and 5:20. I got called into work because the other girl had called out sick and no one was there to close. Damn. Well, I knew I'd finish by the deadline anyways so I said yes and went in for 4 hours today. Not bad. And now I'm ready to crash and sleep like the dead.


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