Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It's been 10 days...

...since my last entry. What the hell have I been up to you ask? Good question. I moved into my new place on Thursday. The good news: I've a home and what a lovely place it is. The bad news: I didn't have internet. The good news: Neil's got a gazillon (well, more like 800+) channels on his digital cable tv box. The bad news: I didn't have internet. The good news: I had a a 4-day weekend because of Easter and bank holiday. The bad news: I didn't have internet for the entire 4 days. Get the picture? Yeah. I went 4 whole days (well, technically 4.5 since I didn't have it starting Thursday afternoon when I officially moved in) without internet. I felt like I'd lost my connection to the outside world and in some ways, that was true. Granted, I still had my phone but, let's be realistic here: the phone only connects me to so many people. What about the people who I can't call? Exactly. However, I got by by becoming a couch potato for 4 days. Oh man, that was tough. No, seriously, it was. I don't see how people can be couch potatoes because by the end of the second day, I was going a little crazy. CRAZY I tell you, but I managed to get through the entire weekend with my sanity intact and now I'm back online! Woohoo!


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