I Want One Of Those
It's a website chock full of stuff that you don't need but really, really want. Take this for an example: the Cupid's Umbrella.
You know how when you share an umbrella with someone, half you and half of the other person always gets wet because the umbrella is only big enough to cover one person? (And it invariably is my handbag that gets wet! Grr.) Well the Cupid's Umbrella is the perfect solution! This is from the IWOOT website:

However much you're 'into' someone, there's nothing more irritating than having to share your umbrella. Yes it seems intimate and cosy, but let's be honest, it just doesn't work. Either they're so short that your head's in the spokes and they still get wet, or they're so tall that you're way below the height where you get any protection at all - and of course you both end up with one very wet shoulder each. Then again if you both have an umbrella you simply can't walk abreast, if you try, you inevitably end up ducking and diving around a tree, making way for glowering passers by, clinking spokes with the other umbrellas and putting your conversation on hold until you reach dry land. Oh the social pitfalls of umbrella etiquette!

Look how happy they are! I'd be that happy, too, if I had one of these umbrellas. Anyone for a stroll in the rain?
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