Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Moving Again!

I'm moving home! Okay, so I call many places home - I'm truly borderless as Tony says. This time I'm moving back to the US, and it'll be my fourth international and inter-continental move in the last 18 months. Ha, no wonder I'm broke...

Anyway, this time is for indefinitely. My plans were to work in Taiwan for a year but as we all know, plans can change...and they did. I've been offered a great opportunity that I can't pass up, and one's gotta do what one's gotta do.

I've enjoyed my time here in Taiwan, culture shock and all, but this decision is for the best - the practical and more realistic decision - for everyone involved. As much as I may like to stay here, it is really quite idealistic and wouldn't help my cause as much as moving back to the States would. Of course, I'd rather be moving back to the UK (that goes without saying) but I must be patient *grits teeth* (arghh). Things like that don't happen overnight as much as I'd like them to.

So to everyone back home, I shall see y'all again very soon. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jessie,

That was a flying visit. Hope the move goes well. Will email soon now I am back from my course.

Take Care


8:16 AM  
Blogger Jessie said...

:D yay you're back!

8:12 PM  

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