Everything's Coming Up Roses!

I quit retail. Hurrah! *Confetti and streamers*
Ryan and I started a new chapter in our lives with our New Year's Resolution. We started salsa last sunday and we're going snowboarding tomorrow! Hurrah again!
I've met two straight men at R Place and they've both complimented me (in different ways) and thinking about that still makes me feel good. We should all try and drop one person a sincere compliment - it's better if it's a stranger - because not only does that make people feel good, you'll feel good about it, too! Remember, Karma is a bitch - don't mess with her!
I quit retail. And I've had several pretty good interviews (although none of them have totally grabbed my senses yet). w00t w00t!
I went to the Gene Juarez Academy to get my haircut from Jr (finally). He's training there and he kicks ass. No one touches my hair now except for him! Thanks to him, my hair looks gorgeous, I look fabulous and everything's just so peachy keen! When I'm rich and living in Europe, I'm so flying him out to do my hair.
I'm on a roll with this whole I'm-single-and-ready-to-mingle thing. I've had a couple of dates this month and they were all good, some better than others. One guy was pretty vibin' and he looked promising...until I discovered how tall he was. Sad! Argh, and I was wearing flats, too! Some people can overlook it but I couldn't in this case. Raven once said that I couldn't hold a man's height against him but that's so not true. Height is very important. What if I wanted to wear my three-inch heels? Huh, huh?? I do not want to be taller than my guy; I want to be able to fit under his shoulder! It's primitive biology: Big, tall man can take better care of woman. Granted, that isn't always the case but for me, it is. Turns out, we really didn't have that much in common to make it work either, so it all turned out for the best.
Another one was a lunch date. He suggested dim sum (point!), which I was quite pleased with because it's not the usual fare, and it was somewhere I hadn't been to. I showed up and he was already there (point!) and had already gotten a table by the window (point!). And guess what? He had a bouquet of red roses for me! (A gazillion points!!) Now I don't care what you've heard but I can tell you that every woman likes receiving flowers. Roses are one of my favourites, too! Maybe a dozen roses (yes, count 'em - it was a dozen) may be a bit much for some of y'all on a first date but not for me! Why? Okay, this is going to sound a bit sad and pathetic but oh well, to hell with all that: up until today, I've never, ever received flowers from a man. Yeah, that's right. NEVER. What's the bloody problem with men these days?! Hell if I know!! Maybe there's something wrong with me? Uh, no. I've received plenty of flowers and bouquets from my girl friends, best friends and workmates. Maybe there's something wrong with all the guys I've been with? Yeah, that sounds good. I've bemoaned to Flick (who has received flowers from an ex before, mind you) about my unfortunate statistic and even she was shocked. I mean, what the hell, right? How tragic, non? Oui, oui damnit. Well, until today! I'm still floored by the flowers. Y'see? THAT'S how you woo a girl! Need I say more about that date? Oh yeah, he also said, in a very sincere (point!) and slightly awed voice (point!) that I looked beautiful. Lemme just dance a jig right now...

Saturday's a busy day, too. I've got a pedicure in the afternoon with one of Jr's friends at Gene Juarez and then I've got a big night ahead of me. I'm being taken out to a night on the town! Woo babeh! First there's dinner on Lake Union - beautiful view (point!) - and then...drumroll please...a show at Seattle Repertory Theatre (point!). Oh, wow. I am well impressed! That's totally thinking outside the box. Soooo much better than your typical dinner-and-a-movie date! Now, then, what should I wear?
Also, Georgia and I have banded together and we are going out and doing hetero-single stuff! Space City Mixer holds a lot of singles events and activites that sound really fun and most of them aren't too pricey. They even have international singles holidays. Whoa.
Oh, and did I mention I quit retail? :D Progress, baby, progress!
I don't know what's up with men either. I'm the flower receiving kinda gal myself, but haven't seem to have met flower giving kinda guys. =(
Go you!
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