Sunday, February 04, 2007

Superbowl XLI

The Indianapolis Colts beat out the Chicago Bears 29-17 today. Go Colts! Not that I'm a Colts fan - I'm a Hawks fan - but they were the lesser of the two evils, so to speak...the Bears beat us in the playoffs and so therefore they had to lose. :)

I missed the kickoff and the first two quarters because I took my mom shopping (and yes, the new trousers I got were worth it) but I made it back for the last half and it was a good game. I noticed that the Colts are good passers and catchers. But I did miss an exciting moment in the game - was it 14 seconds into the game? - when one of the Bears turned the opening kickoff - they were on the defense because they lost the coin toss - into a 92-yard touchdown. That's ninety-two yards. Wow. Apparently it's a first. Oh, and it rained. That's a first, too.

*Exhale* Well, no more American football for now. Next!


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