Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Dell, Microsoft Launch (RED) Products

The title says it all doesn't it? Hurrah for them! It makes me happy to see big companies doing some good around the world. (The same goes with celebrities but that's a rant and rave of a whole 'nother post.) I'm not a made of money but buying (PRODUCT) RED branded products instead of generic items is a great, and quite often stylish and chic, way for me to do my part in helping the AIDS epidemic. (All my holiday cards and wrapping paper were (RED), thanks to Hallmark, and their line keeps expanding! Yay!)

With each purchase of a (PRODUCT) RED branded Dell personal computer including Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED, Dell and Microsoft will make a combined contribution of $50 to $80, depending on the PC purchased, to the Global Fund. Purchase of a Dell (PRODUCT) RED printer generates a $5 Dell contribution. One hundred percent of the funds contributed go to Global Fund-financed grants in Africa.

If I'd only waited another 2 months before ordering my new laptop, I could've had a (RED) one! Drat!

A promo poster at Microsoft's Main Campus, courtesy of R. I'd have nicked it...


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11:15 PM  

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