Tuesday, November 22, 2005

O Chem

Man, oh man. Here I am, sitting in the library killing time until I have to meet with my partner to work on our project and I look over at the guy next to me and I see an IR/NMR printout! Ohmygosh, I remember the days when I had to do that! Basically, it's a printout that shows you the frequencies you get when you shoot infrared light at a substance...for NMR, it's a bit more complicated. I can't even say if I'm recalling this right...but anyways...oh the days when I was in o chem (that's organic chemistry to all you non-science people out there)! How I don't miss those days. :D They're looking for unknowns! That means they're doing the lab where you're given 3 unknown substances and a list of possible substances and you perform a bunch of experiements to determine the identity of your unknowns. That was a fun experiment...


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