Tone deaf??
So I guess I'm tone deaf... I was describing the fact that my voice, when I hear it, is usually lower than it is in reality (like when I hear my recorded voice). Someone said that from the sounds of it (no pun intended haha), I'm tone deaf. But I harmonize really well! Weird.
I also found my eye prescription from when I went to get an eye checkup at Boots earlier this year. BUT tell me why it doesn't make any sense! I hadn't really looked at the print-out when I got it and now I can't understand it. Is it for eyeglasses or contacts? It just doesn't look right! The axis for my left eye says '2.5' but it should be up in the 100s, like 170 or something! ARGH. This is useless to me! What a waste of money for that exam. Maybe I could call the Boots and ask them to fill in the blanks. Hmm... Damnit, I need new contacts and for that, I need a working prescription but I don't want to pay $95 just for an exam. Why can't we get free medical?? I am most DEFINITELY in the wrong country.
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