Adventures of a Girl and a Mini Cooper
Well, okay, it's not as exciting as it sounds but it WAS exciting! Today was the first time I've been inside a Mini Cooper!! YES, that's right, a MINI! I love those cars; they're so cute and huggable and sooooooo me! I want one.
It was Matthew Lockewood's last day at work - he's one of the sales guys and quite frankly, he gets my back up a bit cuz he spoke in a really patronising tone to me the last time we met (I hate it when people patronise me) - and when this happens, we're invited to drinks at lunchtime somewhere nearby. Anyway, Neil was driving over and offered Val and I a lift. He drives a cream coloured Mini. Oh yeah, it was awwweeesome. His is the new model and it's the faster type and, boy, it can vroom! We were zipping down the motorway like a starving hummingbird spying a fresh flower full of nectar!
I'm an equal opportunity Mini lover. I love them all: new or old, vroom or slow, sunroof or convertable top.
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