Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Weekend In Hull

I don't think it was even a weekend since I didn't get there till about 6pm on Saturday and I left the next day at 4:30pm.

Anyway, it was a nice visit. I'd promised Flick I'd come up to see her (I'd see Kim, Helen, Kat and Sophie while I was at it, too) since I all but abandoned her the day after the ball. Granted, she abandoned me as well (in her eyes), since she had to get back to Cambridge and to Hull, so really we're even and I was nowhere awake when she was ready to leave.

I met up with Phil at Planet Coffee, whom I hadn't seen since uni got out last year. It was so good to see him and we had a lot to catch up on. He'd been traveling around Europe for 4 weeks this summer and the stories he had to tell! What an adventure he had; I definitely want to do that sometime but it's difficult for me to go traveling without a plan, which was what he did. Crazy man! I love Planet Coffee and its upstairs beanbag lounge. It rocks. Plus, I'd been waiting a long time to have a Snickers Steamer and I'm glad I got one before I left.

Flick joined us later and who did she bring with her?? Jess! Jess squared was reunited, if only just for a night! She was my dance partner back when we were at Hull together. Oh the memories (!!) like the time she dropped me - no, literally dropped me - when we were doing this holding-hands-and-leaning-away-from-each-other-so-that-if-one-let-go-the-other-would-fall-too move in pase doble. It was hilarious. While we were holding that pose, she suddenly thought to herself, what would happen if I let go? It was one of those moments in which you know what would happen but your hands were totally disconnected or something and still did what you know you shouldn't do. So she let go and I fell. *Shakes head*

We went to The Last Viceroy for the best damn Indian curry I've ever had. I dream about that place. They'd painted the walls in shades of blue - much calmer and more soothing than the burnt orange and red it used to be - and the design of the menus had changed as well. Most surprising was the customer service: it was good. They've never been very good at basic customer services, like asking if our food was okay, and we're used to it; the food is so damn good that it doesn't really matter in the end. However, this time around, our waiter came by several times to ask about our meal and if we wanted refills (we never get Coke there anymore because it's always flat but we were tempted to order a glass to see if the changes extended to the pop). After leaving England, who knows how long I'll have to go to get curry like this again!

We all had so much to talk about since I haven't seen Jess and Phil in a year and a half - need to catch up on all the latest gossip! And Flick and I always have tons to talk about - mostly about the men in our lives or the men we want in our lives.

Flick and I were too tired to go to Asylum (the nightclub at Hull Uni) so we just hung out and had good girl chat at her new flat. I can't wait to have my own place. I slept on her airbed and Clare was right: it is the most comfortable airbed in the world.

We went to lunch at Pizza Hut the next day with Kim, Helen, Kat the girls I used to work with at Debenhams - and Heather, Kat's beautiful baby girl. We had a real good time eating, laughing and filling each other in with all the latest news in our lives. Kim and Ben are buying a bed and it'll be their first 'our' thing. Helen and her man are buying a house - cool! The best news is that Kat and Andy have finally set a date for their wedding - 20 October 2007! Yay, a definite and concrete excuse to come back! (Not that I ever need an excuse to come back.) How exciting! She totally dropped it on us like a bomb; I was mentioning that I have two weddings to attend next year and she very slyly said, 'Three weddings.' We all just stared at her for a minute, trying to figure out if what we were reading between the lines is what she really meant and yeah, it was. Awesome.

After lunch, Helen had to go house hunting, Flick went with Clare when we bumped into her outside, Kat and Kim went shopping and I went to meet Sophie for coffee. It was good seeing her because we had a lot of things to talk about: her going to Japan to teach English and what it's going to be like, me flying off to Taiwan and both of us rendezvous-ing on the same side of the world, her situation with Andy and my time with Nick. I showed her pictures from Niko's parade and she approved and was impressed, hehehe. She's really excited about going to Japan and I'm really excited for her, too. I'm glad she's doing something like this because I know it's going to be such an amazing experience. She's doing the Nova program and flies two weeks after I do.

Then I hopped on the train and made my way back to Cambridge. I really should start packing...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Planet Coffee?? Tell me you went to Sun Cafe at least once!

Glad you had such a good time :)

2:36 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

no, sadly i had no time to even head that way! :(

3:41 AM  

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