Niko's Passing On Parade
Friday was Niko's passing on parade. His men, Corporals, had finished and completed all their exercises and passed inspection; this parade marks a milestone in their lives as they officially pass out of basic training and on to the rest of their careers.
It was a big deal for Niko as well, not only because his men were passing over but because this was his first time being parade leader. The parade wasn't very big as it was only Niko's company but it was chock full of pomp and tradition and I loved it. The Parachute Regiment Band was there - parades are always better with a live band - and everyone was turned out in their finest. Well, almost everyone. The civilian, who were guests of the Corporals I'm guessing, weren't particularily dressed up for the parade. Those involved with the training, like Nick/Raven and his boss, other affiliated military personnel (some Sergeants, Sergant Majors, some veterans and other ranks that I've long since forgotten) and I were dressed up (sitting in the VIP section demanded some good threads).

The parade starts at the Sergants' Mess. It was a short trek from the Officers' Mess but my feet didn't appreciate my heels. On our way over, we came across many people and they were all saluting Raven with Sir this and Sir that. This one girl actually just walked past him - *gasp* the audacity and disrespect! - and he set her right real quick. I kind of felt sorry for the poor girl but it was obvious who he was, that his rank was higher than hers, and she really should've saluted because it's better to be safe than to be sorry. Oh well.
The Cpls were standing at ease outside the Sergants' Mess when the VIPs arrived for the formal commencement of the parade. The Regimental Sergeant Major gave the formal speech and we toasted with some port. It was a small glass but thank goodness I didn't have to drink the entire thing. (Port's actually not too bad tasting; it didn't taste as alcoholic as my first sip of red wine.) After the bottles of port had been handed out, we made our way to the parade stands. Raven gave the men a short and sweet congratulatory speech.
The weather wasn't too bad during the parade though it did start raining quite a bit. Someone lent me his umbrella so my upper half stayed dry while my legs and shoes got a bit soaked. The rain didn't really start chucking it down until after the parade. Phew.
The men marched in after the band, stood at attention then at ease with a rifle + bayonet in their arms (apparently it weighs over 4 pounds) and were inspected again (thought it was just an informal formality). As the parade leader, Niko was yelling out the commands to the men; he looked very good with his sword. Raven called him a cad and a bounder when he strutted up to the stands, waiting for the band and his men to march in, but it was with a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice. I totally concur.
I'd never seen a passing out parade and I really enjoyed it. I love tradition and the men in uniform certainly were a bonus. ;)

(PS - For those who don't already know, Niko and Raven are their call signs; they're both called Nick.)
Captain Moffat has big ears.
HILARIOUS! funny you should mention that cuz he said the same thing to me Friday night...
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