Monday, December 05, 2005

Little Sister All Grown Up

My sister's a freshman in high school. She's got more guts at her age then I did when I was a freshman. Go her!

The school's Tolo dance - aka Sadie Hawkins dance, where the girls ask the boys - is this Saturday. She asked a boy and he said yes! Good for her!! I don't know where she gets all this because my brother and I were nothing like her when we were her age. It's great though; it's, like, I'm living the high school I would've liked to have lived through her. I was way too shy and would have never dared asked a boy out in high school...oh how things have changed! Haha.

Anyways, so we've been shopping for a dress for a week and finally found one that's really affordable (them formal dresses can be freaking expensive! geez!!) and it's SO cute. It's dark red and has gold glitter-sparkles all over it. Now all she has to do is book appointments at a salon for herself and the girls what are in her group and reserve a table for dinner and they're ready for Saturday. How exciting. The girls are probably getting their hair done at a salon in the mall I work at so I told them that they could come find me at work and I'd do their makeup on my hour break. Fun times!


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