Saturday, February 04, 2006

Just Call Me Ms FixIt

One of the things that annoy me the most in this entire world is not having the right tools to get a job done. One of the sockets was broken in my room and it short-circuited the entire room, causing much disruption and inconvenience (I couldn't turn on my computer, floor lamp, TV and video games!). I called Dem's dad because he, likes, knows everything, and asked him. Diagnosis: broken socket. GAH. He gave me a new one, bless him, and taught me how to replace the old one. It's very simple really - basic physics - and you know how I absolutely hate physics with my entire being (one of the few things I truly hate in this world. Another one is metallic ocher. I mean, what the hell were the colour people thinking?! Oh wait, they weren't thinking! HAH!) so if I could fix it, anyone could. Granted, I am a very logical and intelligent person. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that any logical and intelligent person, whether or not he/she harbours love/hate for physics, could fix a broken socket. All he/she has to do is remember to flip the switch for the particular broken room on the circuit breaker box thing (technical terms, those) so he/she doesn't fry him/herself. (Damn PC'ness; it makes everything sound wordy, though traditionally, I could've just used 'he' and 'himself'.) Anyways, I fixed it, my room is up and running again and I am a happy kitty.

So, returning to my rant... It took me bloody forever to fix that damn thing because we, for some damn reason, do not have a flathead screwdriver (another technical term) so I had to get all creative with out to unscrew them damn screws. Nails, fingers, metal mail opener were all called into help and finally, after about 30 freaking minutes, the damn socket was replaced and the power was back. GOD! If I had a proper screwdriver, it would've taken me 10 minutes to fix it. When I get my own place, I am SO buying a decent set of tools. ARGH!


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