Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Halo 3

For some, however, the wait is already over. The Microsoft employees the world over have already received their free, limited edition Halo 3's (it comes in a tin and plastic sleeve decked out in Halo 3, Xbox 360 and other various trademark logos. As I'm writing this, my boyfriend is already fully engrossed in blasting alien bad guys, a massive blue "motha" in particular (his words, not mine), into smithereens, all the while making comments about the game and I make the appropriate noises and responses, like "mm", "ooh" and "shoot 'em all!" :) This is geeky R in full swing.
Now we're watching the second disc, which talks about the sound effects and other making of featurettes. Cool.
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I just read Peach's LiveJournal and I can't believe she's been with Potato for three months now! That reminded me that R and I have been together for almost 6 months now. Time sure flies when you're having fun! I echo her sentiments: "he is freakin' wonderful", and more importantly, "I can actually say that I'm truly happy". The whole "I don't remember what life was like without him"...yeah, not so much because I definitely remember what life was like without him and let's just say I'm at a MUCH happier place right now.
Thinking about our 6-month coming up reminds me of something Raven said to me earlier this year, about how he can tell whether or not a relationship will last by the 6-month mark. How can you know things like that though? But I guess he does. Does it come with age (haha)?
Peach also mentioned that Potato wants to take her to Disneyland. Cool! Our lives seem a bit parallel because R keeps saying that he wants to go traveling with me and last night we actually hashed out a 2-week trip to Italy. I've always wanted to go to the Venice Carnival (25 January - 5 February this year) and we threw ideas and budgets around. It could very well happen this year!
Anyway, things are just hunky dory for me right now. I can say that it's because I've got a job that's still kickin' ass...or it's because I'm kickin' ass at work and just got a glowing 6-month review...or maybe it's because I've injected some form of stability in my life, having decided to stay put for at least a year or two (unless some unforeseen fortune befalls me and I have to move). I can say all that but I know a big part of all this hunky dory'ness is R's doing.
Since I've jumped on this lovey-dovey, I'm-so-happy-I'll-sing-in-public-whilst-sober bandwagon, I have to say R was so sweet on Saturday. I'd been a bit annoyed with him lately, for reasons I shan't go into right now, and I think he might have felt it or I might have slipped and let it show on my face but either way, Saturday night went a long way to soothing my ruffled feathers. Earlier that day, we'd gone to IKEA; I just got a new bed (queen size) and now needed a bed frame to go with it. Me in IKEA is like a kid in a candy shop and I absolutely loved it. It's so inspirational, especially since I've started reading IKEA hacker on a daily basis and now I just want to hack everything (not that I didn't before but it's a much stronger urge now).
Dinner was at Mixtura (new Andean cuisine), which was nice. He was due to go to a friend's birthday party (and he didn't invite me mind you, even though I always invite him out with mine) so with a couple of hours to kill, we went back to his. Long story short: he basically spent the entire night cuddling and loving me. I kept nodding off on his shoulders because I'd been up since 7am and I remember waking up once to him snuggling me and once (or twice?) to kisses. At one point (or two? Ha, I was so out of it!) I remember looking at the clock and asking if he had to get going soon and he just murmured, "No, it's okay." Everyone with me now: "Awwwwwwww!" Yeah, that's right, my boyfriend's freakin' awesome.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Dave Matthews Band, Joss Stone, John Legend, Lupe Fiasco, Wu-Tang Clan
Five concerts in two days is very tiring. I think I've finally recovered from all that exhaustion. It's tough being young and going out and doing fun things...
Dave Matthews Band was at The Gorge last Saturday. We went to Day 2 of their usual three-day concert series. Ryan's got some goofy pictures on his camera; they'll be here soon. Much to my dismay, DMB didn't play Crash, Dream Girl or American Baby. Those are my favorites I must say. Dem reckoned it'd take us three hours to drive, then realized that it was me who was driving; I made it in two. R made it back in two hours, too. We were absolutely dead on our feet by the time we made it out of there and I tried to stay awake - I'm usually quite good at keeping the driver awake in such circumstances - but I kept falling asleep and just couldn't keep my eyes open. R, who had offered to drive home, had to get a Red Bull (disgusting) to make it home. My hero.
Joss Stone, John Legend, Lupe Fiasco and Wu-Tang Clan were at Bumbershoot, the awesome three-day music festival that takes place at the Seattle Center every year. They're all-day events, and we were there all day. R and I went to see Stone and Legend perform in the day time, met up with a couple of his friends, then tried to get in to see Michael Ian Black. He's so funny - I love him on VH1's "I Love The..." series (I Love The 80's, etc.) - and I really, really wanted to see his act. Sadly, we didn't make it in; the venue filled up before we got through the door. Tragic! Damnit. At least John Legend rocked my socks off and I wasn't even wearing socks! That's how good he was.
Lupe Fiasco and Wu-Tang...well, the boys wanted to see them. I could've left early since R could've gotten a lift home with his mates but I kinda wanted to stick around to see what it was like to see a hip-hop concert. Let's just say - and I know this'll probably offend some people but you shouldn't be offended because this is just my opinion and I'm just trying to put it into perspective - that it was like an Nsync concert gone hip-hop. And the audience was a little more grown-up. It was an experience. (Kinda like that rave I went to? Yeah, exactly.) Did I mention all the smokers around us? Yeah... By the end of the night, my feet were killing me and we were completely exhausted (having not recovered sufficiently enough from our DMB adventure). I swear, sometimes I think we are getting too old for this kind of crap.
By the way, Target had set up a booth with mini makeover stations (for eyes, face, lips and hair...but they stopped doing faces because of all the sweat and germs flying around at the festival - I don't blame them), so the only girl in our little group had to get her hair and eyes done over. I don't like wearing lipstick or gloss much, so I skipped that. The eye-girl went waaaay overboard with the grey eyeshadow on my smokey eye but my hair kicked ass! Wish I could recreate it somehow but I've got two left hands when it comes to my hair.

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Monday, September 10, 2007
The Multiple Orgasm
Multiple Orgasm? Yes, please!!
Naughty monkeys :P. (Cheeky is my middle name - what did you think that 'C' stood for? 'Scandalous' is Ryan's.) I'm just realizing that I'm a bit of a makeup addict, too, but the gals at Bare Escentuals would probably flip at this addition.
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Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Pictures From The Wedding

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