Thursday, May 25, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
5 Guys Every Girl's Gotta Date always has some interesting articles pop up now and again. This latest one caught my eye: 5 guys every girl's gotta date. Read on! How many have you dated? ;)
Type #1: The Older Man
There comes a point in every guy’s life when he’s no longer interested in keg parties, Sony PlayStations, and phrases like “getting laid.” (Yes, yes, YES! Give me a man with brains and maturity!!) In short, a man becomes a man, and that’s exactly why you should see what an older guy is all about. No, it’s not because he could be a sugardaddy who’ll shower you with fancy meals and great gifts (although that could be nice).
The real perk of dating an older guy is his worldliness and wisdom, which is bound to rub off on you, says Steve Nakamoto, author of Men Are Like Fish: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Catching a Man. “Because he’s had more life experience and has been through more than younger guys, he can play something of a teacher role,” he explains, adding that he once dated a woman 14 years younger than him. “She still calls me today to thank me for the things I taught her,” he says. “She’s always been very appreciative of advice I gave her, even little things like buying a CD, after I explained that I meant certificate of deposit, and not a music album!”
Type #2: The Starving Artist
Okay, sure: These dudes are not going to take you to fancy restaurants or even pay for your half of the dinner bill. Money, nice meals, and material goods don’t mean squat to this guy—and that’s exactly why you’ll have an incredible time once he opens your eyes to life’s simpler pleasures. Erika Meitner of Charlottesville, VA, now sees the world differently after a summer spent with a struggling musician, Jesse. “We went on the best dates, because they all involved great conversation and the most unexpected adventures,” she says. “He knew all the best cheap beer bars, where the jukeboxes rocked, and colorful people always wanted to tell Jesse their stories.” Not only will the world seem infinitely fascinating, but you may feel more fascinating, too, as you become inspired by his creativity and perhaps play the role of his muse.
Type #3: The Metrosexual
OK, so he may be better dressed and more recently manicured than you. Get over it—because not only will you reap the obvious benefits of dating a guy like this (like being able to borrow his expensive shampoos), you’ll get a chance to live a happenin’ life! These guys will take you to all the hottest clubs and coolest clothing stores, and let’s not forget just how fabulous you’ll feel walking hand-in-hand with a man who looks like he just stepped out of an issue of GQ. The benefits don’t end there: His style may well rub off on you. “That’s significant,” says Nakamoto, “because it makes her feel better about herself, as well as making her a stronger player on the social and professional fields.” (Um, I'm not so sure about this one...I'm pretty stylish myself. Hehehehehe. Oh but we'd have SOOOO much fun shopping together!!)
Type #4: The Bad Boy
This rebel might have a motorcycle (Sexy!) or not, but one thing’s for sure: He lives on his own terms and is not about to apologize for them. (Independence and knows his own mind. I like!) Hang with him for a while, and you’ll learn why being bad can feel so good—and how to stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. Talk about liberating! “In general, women tend to be pleasers, much more so than men,” Nakamoto says. “A bad boy can show them what it’s like to quit trying to make everyone else happy, and just do what you want.” (Hmm, something I should learn, too, n'est pas?) New Yorker Diana Petroff has first-hand experience with these bad-boy benefits, having once dated one of these rebels. “He knew there was more to the world,” Petroff explains. “And from being with him, I learned to look deep inside myself for what's truly important—rather than just accepting what my parents or friends thought was the proper path for me.”
Type #5: The Nice Guy
He never makes you feel insecure or uncertain, never plays hard to get, never makes you doubt how he feels about you. It’s a shame that we need to explain this one, and yet we know how hard it can be to date a true sweetheart, at least at first. “A woman won’t be used to the frequency and consistency of affection nice guys give, since most other guys who are playing the dating game don’t do that,” Nakamoto explains. Even so, he advises that women get used to the nice guys, and quick. Why? Because once you’ve had the good stuff (a guy who calls when he says he will; a guy who wants to see you more often as he gets to know you), you won’t stand for anything less. At the same time, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should start sending out the wedding invites after a few months. “Just because he’s nice doesn’t necessarily mean he’s the right guy,” Nakamoto warns. “He might rate low in terms of romantic chemistry, because he lacks the edge that creates the kind of surprise, passion, and excitement that all people want in their lives.” (Make me feel like a princess because I deserved to loved and cherished.)
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
I Got A Kitty!
So it's my birthday on Monday. I was actually dreading this cuz I was pretty sure I'd spend it doing nothing really. But it's my friend Kate's birthday (she who took me dancing earlier this week) and when she found out that it was my birthday on Monday and that I'd nothing planned for Saturday, she invited me out to dinner with her, her husband, a couple of their friends and a couple of friends from work. (Her and her husband basically gave me no reason not to join them and no choice but to join them; they are SO awesome.) And when I saw Emma at the bus stop yesterday morning, she said we should go out and do something for my birthday on Monday. I'm thinking dinner and/or pub...if they're not one and the same. Anyway, I went into town today to do a bit of birthday shopping around for myself and I got myself a kitty! Yes, a KITTY! He's soooo cute (yes, he's a he)!! So he's my birthday present. (I also bought a jacket that I'd seen on sale 3 weeks ago. Since it was still there when I went back today, it's a definite sign that it belongs to me. And the price had dropped even further! Bargain.) So here's my kitty. I'm pretty sure he's Chinese. I love him :D!! And I call him 小饅頭, which means little steamed bun.


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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Guess what I just did. DANCING!! OHMYGOSH, it's been too long! My workmate, Kate, goes to Ceroc almost every Tuesday in St. Neots nearby. Since she found out that I was in dire need of some things to do - and the fact that I loved dancing - she invited me along today to go with her. I went to her house first to eat dinner - her house is gorgeous - and I met her boys: 2 cocker spaniel mixed puppies (although only one's technically a puppy). They were SOOOOO sweet! Anyway, she drove us to the venue in St. Neots and we danced for 2 hours. It usually goes for 3 hours, until 11:45pm but we were both so tired (neither of us had slept well the night before) so we called it an early night and left at about 10:15.
Oh, but it was AWESOME!! I absolutely love dancing and I hadn't realised how much I've missed it until tonight. If I wasn't so damn tired, I'd have gone the entire 3 hours! Needless to say, I'm definitely going again next week.
What was really cool about it was that it was all really organised. Newbies were given pink stickers to identify themselves as 'New Movers' so that someone more experienced would know to not throw them about the dancefloor. Haha! And they had what were called Taxi Dancers; they were there solely to dance with the newbies and help them get more familiar and comfortable with the steps and dancing in general. That is a great idea. That way we, the New Movers, had several familiar faces we could feel comfortable with.
I loved it!!
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Sunday, May 07, 2006
不得不愛 (Bu De Bu Ai) - Can't Help But Love You
My sister found this clip on YouTube a while ago and it's been one of my favourites ever since then. I love these guys - the Back Dorm Boys - and their parody videos. They're famous in China and have even made it onto UK news. Anyways, here's their 不得不愛 (Bu De Bu Ai) video, which translates to 'Can't Help But Love You.' Enjoy!
(The guy singing the girl part is actually kind of cute...or do I think so because he's singing the girl part and I've got a soft spot for gay guys...?)
(By watching their videos, you'd think that all Chinese guys do at college is sit in their dorms and make parody videos and play Counter-Strike. Yes, that is Counter-Strike that they're playing in the background.)
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Friday, May 05, 2006
It's Almost One A.M.
And I'm not asleep yet. By all rights, I should be conked out and dead to the world in bed. Obviously, I'm not; I'm sitting at my laptop on here. I bought a book yesterday. My first *book* in over a month. It felt good. (Plus, I used my ISIC card to get a student discount. Double yay.) I started reading it today and I was reading it right before I turned the laptop back on.
I can't sleep. Maybe it's because I was reading. I'm too empathic if you ask me. Why do I read? Or maybe, why do I specifically read my books? It's an escape. I know it. I guess it's my way of running away without actually running away. In a book, I live the characters' lives. I grow with them. When they're happy, I'm happy. When they cry, I cry with them. And when they love...well, good for them. I live their emotions. When they're happy, I'm exhilarant; but when they're sad, when they must deal with the heartache that always finds them and accompanies anyone heading towards love and happiness, I ache for them. I ache with them. It's that all-too-familiar wrenching in the gut that always gets to me. But I can rest assured in the knowledge that no matter what hardships the protagonists endure, no matter how many lows they hit, no matter how hopeless it all may seem, there is always that happy ending waiting for them. I know that they will find their true happiness - love and each other - and be at peace in the end.
Maybe that's what's keeping me awake.
ps - I love Borders. They're the only ones who actually have a 'Romance' section.
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And I Want A New Rabbit
Another thing I saw in Stuff was a rabbit. No, not the kind I've already got; this one's in a totally new category! (And anyways, those kind of rabbits wouldn't be in this kind of magazine.) It's called Nabaztag and it's a Wi-Fi rabbit!!

That's right. Wi-Fi. It's soooooooooooooo cute!! It's the first smart bunny and it wriggles its ears and lights up.

It can tell the weather. It sings and dances when you get text messages and emails.

It can communication with other bunnies across the web.

Oh my gosh, it's adorable!
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I've Got The Hots For You
No, not you.
Part of my job is to read a bunch of magazines (I get paid for reading!) to find media coverage of us. Well, since we're in the technology sector, I get to read a bunch of gadgets ang gizzmo magazines. In case you didn't know already, I'm a gadget'y type of girl, soooo this all equals to oodles of FUN for me.
So I was browsing through the May issue of Stuff magazine (it is a very cool mag) and found myself stopped dead in my eyeball tracks by the Sony Ericsson W950i and K800i (their images took up 2 pages). Two very nice looking mobile phones. I start reading the type...Walkman phone blah blah blah...oh, what's this? 'the UK's first mobile with a xenon flash'? Sony Cyber-shot branding? Flip to page fourteen for more information...of course I flipped over! And oh my God, it's gorgeous.
Like how SE incorporated the Walkman into their phones, they've now done the same with Cyber-shot. The K800i's got a proper flash with 3.2MP autofocus lens and image shake and red-eye reduction technology. Plus it's got a viewfinder and a cool little function SE calls Bestshot: it takes nine pictures when you click once (four before the shutter release click, one at the click and four after the click) so you just pick the best one and delete the rest. Oh I do like my choices. And it's connected to HERE. To Blogger! I can take a pic and blog on-the-fly! I want it!!
Oh yeah, and the K610i is lovely as well. Especially the deep wine colour. Ooooooh.
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