Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Snip Snip, Went the Scissors

No, I haven't gotten that haircut I keep talking about; I don't have time!! I really should book it soon though 'cuz my hair is getting pretty long...I mean, really long. The ends hit my waist now and within another month or so, they'll be brushing my hips. It's not the length that's the problem (it's not a problem at all actually!) but the number of split ends I've got. Not cute. I need to look into the prices of getting my hair dyed again. The holiday season's almost upon us (yay!!) so there should be some good deals coming out soon.

I found this shampoo in the other bathroom and used it this morning. It's Thermal Silk (I think that's what it's called) and is heat-activated. Thought I'd give it a go and ran the hairdryer over my hair a little bit this morning. Result: wow. This stuff is pretty nice; my hair's really soft and flowy. Porblem is, it's fussier than Garnier/L'Oreal/Pantene (which I haven't used in years *gasp!*) because I always airdry my hair, and it doesn't make my hair smell as nice. However, if you're a regular with the hairdryer, I highly recommend it as it'll be an added bonus.


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