Thursday, October 13, 2005

My Eyes, My Eyes!! Oh, and Vickie's News, Too.

My eyes are too tired and for some reason, my moniter at the office is too glaringly white. I think it's because my eyes are super tired; I got another migraine yesterday, right before class. It's odd how my migraines have increased in frequency over the past 6 or 7 years but have severely decreased in the level of pain. Hmm. Maybe I've been drinking too much hot cocoa lately; chocolate triggers migraines, sadly. It's beause I don't have any TEA! :( I don't like regular coffee very much and if I had tea, then I wouldn't have to drink hot cocoa. Sigh. So, to compromise, I got coffee and put some hot cocoa mix into it. It's almost a mocha. What I need is a latte, damnit.

Anyways, I spoke to Anne, my store manager at Vickie's, yesterday and we talked about my leaving. She didn't want to lose me and I really did like working with everyone there; it wasn't so much the work I liked, because it's not challenging as I've said before, but, rather, it was the people I worked with that I liked. Just earlier that day, I was tossing an idea around in my head: not going to work at Vickie's while uni's in session while still working at C&E, going back to Vickie's during winter break while still at C&E, leaving Vickie's again when Winter Quarter starts in Janurary, and then working both after school ends again. So I talked it over with Anne to see if that would be a feasible option - meaning if it was okay with for the company if I did this - and she was all for it. Like I said, she said she really didn't want to lose me because I'm one of her best employees. Hehehe, yay for me. So that's the plan! I may be working the odd Sunday or something, or covering someone who's sick, but basically, I won't be working there, but I'll still have the job and therefore the discount. Woohoo! That made me happy.


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