Wednesday, October 19, 2005


My friends all tease me about the way I speak now. I was only in England for a year, yet it's drastically changed the way I say/write some words. Like, I say gair-age instead of guh-rah-ge (garage), bah-zul instead of bay-zul (basil), bin instead of throw away, trainers instead of sneakers (that one confuses everyone haha), jumper for of a sweater/sweatshirt (I have to consciously think to say 'sweater'), trousers instead of pants, chuffed instead of psyched, and I often think 'pants' are underwear and have to mentally correct myself. I catch myself writing color, behavior, realize and organize as colour, behaviour, realise and organise. Gah, it's a SIGN. Plus, I've always spelled grey with an E, not an A. That was before I found out that the English spell it with an E.


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