Monday, October 03, 2005

Very Bad Day

Sitting in my little space at my internship is great; having my own desk is pretty exciting. What's not exciting is the fact that I'm getting a migraine and I can barely see the computer screen. Good thing I'm a damn good typer and don't need to look at the screen when I'm typing. Good grief, and I'd left my paracetemol in my regular purse. Flashes of blinding light, as if you'd looked right at a camera flash, nausea, head pounding...migraines suck. What also sucks is that until my vision comes back, I can't do any work; however, when my vision comes back, that will mean that the head pounding will begin, so I may not be able to do any work anyways. And on top of everything else, I'm cold. I should start keeping a jumper or sweatshirt here...

Stress is usually key in causing migraines. Am I stressed? When am I not slightly stressed would be a better question. Family = stress; school = stress, money/job = stress, schedule conflicts = stress. This is going to be my daily schedule from now until the quarter ends in early December:

Monday and Wednesday: 8:30-1:30 intern, 2:30-4:30 class, rest of the day is free or at work.
Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30-12:30 intern, 1:30-5:30 classes, rest of the day is free or at work.
Friday: 9:30-10:30 class, rest of the day is usually at work.
Saturday and Sunday: usually at work as well.

Fun times. And the head pounding commences...

*10 hours later*

My head isn't pounding anymore but the rest of the day was an emotional roller coaster. First I met with Prof. Fearn-Banks to sign my internship contract - she's my faculty sponsor for it - and she totally shot me down about the internship. She doesn't think the company is reputable because she's never heard of them. She also questions how real the PR is for the company, like is what they do and writing really PR, and that the company just needs someone to help out. She doesn't think I should be doing this internship because I haven't had any PR classes or a writing class. She doesn't think I'm going to learn anything there, saying that she doesn't think that I'll be writing anything, and that it won't be academically profitable at all. I was so close to giving her a damn piece of my mind. With all respect, I know she's been in the field for a long time, but just because you've never heard about a company doesn't mean that they're not reputable or sound. Just because I've never had any technical or professional PR writing experience or training, I've taken several writing classes in several different subjects (not just English) and I know my writing is damn good. She's never seen any of my writing so who is she to judge my ability?! Who is she to judge the company anyways. She wasn't the one who went to the internship interview. Talk about stripping me clean and leaving me raw and vulnerable; I was so upset from everything she said, I just wanted to cry. Now normally I don't cry easily but I was in the middle of a migraine so that was leaving me pretty weak already. I wanted to yell and cuss up a storm. I wanted to throw something and destroy it, preferably ceramic mugs; I do that in my mind, picturing a mug and me hurling it with deadly accuracy a a spot on a wall across from me, watching the mug shatter into a million little pieces with satisfaction.

*Sigh* The bottom line is that she did say yes to becoming my faculty sponsor and signed my internship contract. So I got the ADD code to get credits. I also asked her if she still had space in her PR class; she said she needs to check but said I should go to class in 5 minutes and find out. There was space so I got in. Yay. However, I already don't like her very much because of how she was completely discouraging about my internship - professors should be encouraging even while they're voicing their doubts about something! - and now I get to see her twice a week. Lucky me. Oh well, as Ryan says, in instances like this, use 'em, learn everything you can, and leave 'em. I made a new friend today though; her name's Cecilia - pretty! - and she's willing to share notes with me. I think she's in my project group, too. :D

I also went and saw my advisor about graduating in March. I'm SO graduating in March! He confirmed it and signed my degree audit paperwork thingie. That made me SO happy. We went over all the credits I have and still need and I calculated correctly. He said that if I had, like, 2 classes in one of Area of Concentration and 2 in another one (we need 3 in just one), go see him and he'd flip some classes around and work it out for me. Yay! Afterwards, I went and saw the Economics advisor and got one overseas credit converted. Progress. Another yay!

What made that all come crashing down was when I went to make an appointment with the Italian advisor. While I was up there, I saw someone signed up to talk about a French minor. I'm thinking to myself, no way. There wasn't a French minor when I left...*insert impending sense of doom* So I asked one of the general advisors...and there IS a French minor now!!!!! I can't believe it. I was absolutely stunned, stunned that they would implement a French minor the year that I was gone and now I don't have time to get it!! I've wanted to minor in French since before I started uni, since high school! I always knew I wouldn't major in it because I was set on something else but I didn't want to give up my French studies. God, I can't believe it. That pisses me off SO bad. Why couldn't they have implemented it 2 years ago?!?! I could've done it then!!!! Even if it was implemented this year, my last year, I wouldn't feel so upset. I feel so cheated.


I went to the mall after I finished up at school to turn in some job applications. I've got 2 interviews this week, one tomorrow and one on Wednesday. I hope they're what I'm looking for.

My sister is running for (freshman) class president. And she's roped me into helping her make campaign promo items somehow...


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