New Clothes!
I totally caved today and bought some clothes... Oi I know!! However, in my defense, they were on sale AND I needed to replace a couple of t-shirts. Today was a teal day for some reason; the three items I bought today were all shades of teal. I bought a pair of guacho pants in teal for only $15; they make my ass look GOOD. Woohoo. I'd like a black one (and maybe some other colours!) as well but I'll hold off on that until I can find on that's really on sale, like <$10. I also bought a plain t-shirt for only $5 and a polo shirt for only $10. I'm good at bargain hunting and they make me look good as well. The only things I need now are a couple of sweaters; the ones I have are all too big now that I've lost so much weight, which is a huge bummer because I love those sweaters. I can be patient and wait till they go on sale. :)
Earlier, I had 2 more internship interviews, one in Seattle and one on campus. I didn't like the first one because it consisted mainly of journalistic communications (editing and proofreading) and that's not what I want to do. The second one, at the Burke Museum sounded SO cool. However, the one I've already accepted is PR as well and plus, I get paid $500 at the end; the Burke Museum, though is conveniently on campus, is a year-long internship which could be a problem if I'm graduating in March. Then again, the lady hasn't said whether or not she wants to hire me so maybe I won't even have a choice, which is fine with me. I'm still going with the LizardTech one. I start Wednesday morning!
After the first interview, I headed to the U District (uni campus and where my second interview was) and I met up with some friends for lunch; we had Thai. It was yummy. Yellow chicken curry is yummy. However, immediately after we paid, my throat started feeling raw and sore...usually the first signs of a cold for me. We hung out for a bit, then I had to go to my second interview. Afterwards, I walked around campus a little, getting some errands done and taking some pictures.
That's Rainier Vista. Theoretically it'd show Mount Rainier in the distance, right above the spray of the fountain, but it was very faint so it didn't show up on the picture.

That's Suzzallo Library. Built in 1925, it's one of most beautiful buildings on campus. It has, undoubtably, the most beautiful room on campus: the Reading Room.
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