Thursday, September 22, 2005

Half of my internship applications have replied back; 3 have already got interns for Fall; 3 have already set up interview times and still coordinating with another 3. Woohoo! I'm ready to get some real experience under my belt.

Work is starting to drag a little. I think that's a sign that I need to move on from regular job-jobs because there's no challenge, no's starting to get boring. However, I want a discount at Express, damnit, and I won't get it unless I stay on. I may just have to stay on but only work weekends if they'll let me. Otherwise...I don't know. We'll see.

I need to stop taking work home with me. I'm such a workaholic, I always do that. I was talking to my friend online and I told her where I worked. She then asked me for some advice about bra fittings and different styles and I recommended a bunch to her. Granted, even if I wasn't working at Victoria's Secret, I'd give her advice on what kind of bras to wear anyways. I'm always up-to-date on Vicki's stuff. We started talking about how some women wear lacy bras under thin t-shirts and how it's SO not cute. Theyre all bumpy and pokey; whoever told them it was sexy LIED.


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