Job Fair a Disappointment
Yesterday I felt like shit. I woke up with my throat sore, dry and raw, and no matter how much water I drank, it just wouldn't feel any better! I went to work early and tried to talk as little as possible, which was difficult considering I work in retail. My boss let me go home a little early so I came home and rested for a little bit. Then I had to go to this job fair thing held by world-class companies in Taiwan. However, I'd failed to read the finer print, which read "Taiwan Overseas High-Tech Talent Recruiting Mission." Emphasis on 'high-tech.' That meant these were technology companies looking for engineers and IT people, not marketing or PR communications people.
I got there right when it started, filled out a form about myself and picked up some general brochures. Then I went to check out the companies who had set up booths. Going twice around the room made me realize that this was totally not what I was looking for; well, I wasn't looking to start a career in Taiwan to begin with! But my mom said that I should check it out anyways, just to see what kind of prospects there are. I thought it'd be a good idea, too, but, boy, was I wrong. There was nothing there for me but for some free bite-size highlighters and a couple of free magnetic bookmarks. I saw a couple of friends there, whom I hadn't seen in a long time, so that was cool; we caught up with each other. One had been working in Wisconsin (boring...) and his brother was planning on visiting a friend in London in December - JEALOUS! I want to go! I told them about my year studying abroad and how awesome it was and how I didn't want to leave. Both were in engineering so this job fair was totally for them; of course, they would only go work there if the pay was better or just as good as it is here because the cost of living is much lower there.
I stayed for about an hour, hanging out with them and chatting. However, more and more people started arriving, many of them my friends' friends and all of them were Asian. I started to feel a little claustrophobic and needed to get out of there PRONTO. I called my mom to come pick me up and said my goodbyes. Plus, I was feeling miserable.

Today I woke up feeling much better. My sore throat was gone and my first day of interning and uni was upon me! I was tired, though. My first day at LizardTech was uneventful but cool. Justyna had a very busy day and my computer wasn't set up yet so I didn't have much to do. I organized an entire bookcase of magazines and other publications, making it neat and tidy and accessible. There was a LOT of stuff that had to be separated, filed and sorted, and I read through some, looking at the content and topics. Interesting. I left shortly after 1pm and headed to school. Class was good; the professor is hilarious. AND he went to high school with Josh Duhamel! How cool is that?! He's going to bring in a high school picture of Josh for us to see. Awesome. Ironically, this is the class I want to switch out of because I want to take this PR class that would conflict with this class. If I can even get into this PR class...wretched waitlists.
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