Snowboarding - WOO!
Beautiful in the snow!
Francesca, my inner snow bunny, is quite happy now.
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Snow's back in the weather report again. It's not snowing here at the moment but the weatherman says even the coastal areas may see some spread. Damn, and I just got finished telling Ros that we're having fine weather...psyche! :/
I'm really liking Chevy's new commercial. I don't like their cars but I'm a bit of a sucker for advertising; I can't help it, it's in my field. It could be the music involved - they had artists and other famous people (i.e. Mary J. Blige and Dale Earnhardt, Jr.) from different genres sing different parts of the advert - or it could just be the T.I. bit that I like:
Finally, finally, salsa lessons have started. Ryan and I started tonight at HaLo, which is part of Century Ballroom. It was a lot of fun - of course! - and it felt so good to be putting on my dance shoes again. They were so happy to be taken out of the closet!! They said to me, "Yay, you're taking us dancing!" Aren't you jealous that you don't have talking shoes? Yeah, that's what I thought. *Smirk* Kekekekeke :D.
I'm clump-blogging, apparently...
All hail Vonage! They're my new favourite company. Not only are they cheaper than my old phone company, they give me more features and, and, drumroll please...I get unlimited free calls to UK landlines!! I mean, how totally AWESOME is that, huh huh huh?! That is what hooked me in. Of course, the other bonuses helped, too, but free unlimited calls to UK landlines? Hell yeah! I just spoke to Flick and Yseult and it was sooo nice to hear an English accent. It's funny because I slip into an accent, too. Don't judge me. :P
Ryan and I had a very long and heartfelt discussion - the kind that only best friends can have and carry on - several nights ago. It ended with Ryan making a belated New Year's Resolution for us: we are going to do one or two fun, exciting, different, we've-always-wanted-to-do-but-never-did, new things every month. We realised that we always do the same things: R Place, dinner, hang out at someone's house, movies. We were stuck in a rut! Both of us have lived here for ages and neither of us have ever been to the zoo - the zoo for crying out loud - for the sake of just going to the zoo. (Okay, there was that one time I went with Kevin and met up with Em and Charles but it was a mistake - not the Em and Charles part of course - and we'll just forget about that and start with a clean slate. And there was another time that I went to observe the gorillas but that was for an Anthro project so that doesn't count either.) Tragic, non? Very.
The Indianapolis Colts beat out the Chicago Bears 29-17 today. Go Colts! Not that I'm a Colts fan - I'm a Hawks fan - but they were the lesser of the two evils, so to speak...the Bears beat us in the playoffs and so therefore they had to lose. :)
If only I was in London...