Cars, Cars, Cars
I like cars. I really like cars. I guess it comes growing up with boys, from family friends' kids (the girls were always much, much older than me) to my cousins. Just the other day, I was telling my coworker that the car I want *right now* is an old Mini Cooper, probably in British Racing Green (is that what it's called?), and my luxury dream car is a Jaguar (I haven't chosen the colour yet but black is most apt I think) - both hybrids, of course. Sadly, the old Minis aren't big enough to handle the batteries that a hybrid requires and I haven't heard anything about hybrid Jaguars.Yet.So my roaming eyes landed on the Tesla Roadster, the battery-fueled car that'll hit you faster than you can say, 'Vroom vroom.' It's a sports car, in case 'Roadster' didn't give it away, and it goes from 0-60 in, like, 3 seconds. Three. Vroom vroom, indeed. Oh be still my beating heart! I'd love to take THAT for spin. The Tesla runs on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries - the same kind laptops run on. Let's just hope they're not like Sony's. No emissions, Lamborghini fast? That's pretty sexy and pretty darn cool. Then I stumbled upon an hybrid Mini today. WOOHOO! Albeit, it's the new Mini but it's a Mini nonetheless! Plus, the PLM Mini QED goes from 0-60 in 4.5 seconds. Impressive. And cute to boot!And speaking of fast cars, on Sunday I watched a 9-minute, heart-racing, adrenaline-pumping 'movie' (if you can call 9 minutes a movie). Nick came over and brought with him C'etait un Rendezvous. Read the link. It's very hard to get a legitmate copy of this DVD and the one he had belonged to his mom's boyfriend. While watching it, I could actually feel my heart rate increase; my pulse was pounding at the end of it and the whole thing was less than 10 minutes! Crazy, but very, very cool.
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Nationwide WiFi In Singapore
According to CNET News, Singapore is looking to be blanketed in WiFi in a couple of months. It'll be the third country to have nationwide WiFi coverage, behind Mauritius and Macedonia. An ambitious project but with all the technology coming out of the woodwork known as the East, I'm not surprised.Singapore is 700 km². It's just a bit bigger than Austin, Texas (670 km²). And just for comparison:
Tokyo is 2187 km²(Greater) London is 1579 km²
Los Angeles is 1291 km²
New York City is 1214 km²
San Francisco is 600 km²
Seattle is 369 km²
Taipei is 272 km²Paris is 87 km²
So how come we don't have WiFi coverage in just our major cities?
I just stumbled across this bit of news today, although the news itself is from the 11th: Tokyo is getting WiMAX for Christmas.
Also found out that Norwich (39 km²) is set to become the world's first (free) WiFi city. Cost? £1.1 million.
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Fortune Cookie?
Fortune cookie necklace from Amy Peters' Studio, actually. How cute, how me! *Checks price* Ooh, how expensive. :-/ But still oh-so-cute! The gold-plated cookie charm is suspended from a chain and the fortune passes through the cookie when the necklace is worn. There are seven different fortunes that you can choose from. I personally prefer "You are loved beyong measure" (but it's sold out) and "Take the leap".
Every child should get one of these:
"From an acorn grows a strong and mighty oak" is quite good for little boys, I think. Okay, they might not actually wear it but you can fasten it onto their backpacks or make it into a keychain as a constant positive encouragement.
This one's good for all kids but the hearts tend to veer it towards girls: "You already have it within you." So true.
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Summer's Over
I hate to face it but face it I must: Summer is over. However, as much as I love Summer - flipflops (oh how I'm going to miss you next season!), flirty skirts and tank tops (or vest tops as they call it here) - I do love Autumn and Winter, too, because that means I can bust out my coats, scarves, gloves, hats and boots. Oh yes, them boots.Everyone, from designers to your regular stores, are coming out with their A/W '06 collections and it's all making me actually look forward to the cold months. I could do with a pair of these knee-high flat boots from Faith. Or these... And these faux-fur trimmed ones will definitely keep my toes cozy warm through the cold... Gawd, I love boots. Haha.
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Massaging Bath Pillow
I need this right now because my neck is absolutely killing me. It's a waterproof massaging bath pillow from Hammacher Schlemmer and it attaches to the smooth surface of your tub, providing a "gentle vibrating massage". The sounds absolutely heavenly right now. I prefer showers over baths but this is could change all that. Or maybe I'll just put it on my bed and lay down there...Oh, and it also plays "soothing natural sounds", but I'm not after that; I just want the massage part.
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The Perfect Kiss
This is a repost from a MySpace bulletin posted by my friend Van. Holla! Dude, YOU da man! And damn honourable, too. How come there aren't more men like you?
The Perfect Kiss... TOP 10
OK! So I got into a bit of a tit for tad match w/ one of my close friends who in the argument happens to say to me "You act like you're such a ladies man, yet you remain single. You're probably gay!" So, I tell her "No, I'm a very eligable bachelor... I just chose to be single because I can't hook up with the right women. On the contrary tho, I'm not a true "ladies man" none the less, I do have knowledge about women most men would pay anything for." So she goes "like what?" So I say, "A lot, in fact, give me any topic you can think of, and I'll do a myspace bulletin that will blown your mind out on the subject." So she pauses for a while, talks about it with her best friend then they both give the idea: " Do a bulletin on how to do the perfect kiss, cause not too many men know what they're doing." Then they both laughed. Well, I gladly took the challenge. It took me a while to think about how my 1st kiss went, also 1st kisses with other girls (that I really liked anyway). Then I thought of those soap-operas I used to watch with aunt, some intense love movies, and now I think I have the perfect list!
1. Do it in private
Privacy is a key. A big mistake that too many guys make is going for a kiss in the wrong situation (Ooo, I think I hit it hard to some dudes out there). Women want that first kiss to be special, and they'd prefer to share the moment with you and you alone. So if you're out somewhere social and you feel like the time is right, take her to a back room or, even better, to a completely different, more personal location.
2. Know when to pull out
There's no better way to let her know that you're a catch than by being the first to call it quits. Most guys make yet ANOTHER mistake by going for the gold on the first kiss... and they rarely end up getting it. By being the one to slow down, you'll show her that you're in control... and most importantly, you'll leave her dying for more.
3. Feel her out
When you feel the moment is right, reach over and touch her hair while you're talking and make a comment about it. Say, "Your hair looks so soft," and lightly touch the tips of it. If she smiles, reach back over and start stroking it again, but this time shift your glance between her lips and her eyes a couple of times. If she lets you keep touching her hair, you know that she's ready to be kissed. (Old scene from The Young & The Restless.... You can laugh, I don't care.)
4. Be a tease
One thing I've learned in past relationships is that there's nothing that women love more than to be teased, so let her know who's in control by driving her crazy with your lips. Go in like you're going to kiss her, then at the very last second, pull away and flash her a mischievous grin. Use this sparingly to keep her turned on and on her toes.
5. Ease into it
Still feeling a little nervous about going in for the kill? Ease into it by leaning in and smelling her neck. Take a big sniff and say, "Mmm... you smell good." (lol, yeah i know it sounds cheesy, if you can think of something better, use it). Then slowly brush your nose and cheek along hers as you pull your head back to make eye contact with her. When your eyes lock, close them and go for it.
6. Show some passion
Every woman longs to be ravished, so why not make her fantasy come true eh? As you're kissing her, reach back behind her and pull her head back by gently grabbing the hair right above her neck.... GENTLY! Slowly kiss your way down her neck, and give her a playful bite (um, no hickies please), then pull back slightly and breathe heavily on her neck and in her ear. Make sure your pants are securely fastened, because at this point she'll be trying her hardest to take them off... HAHA!
7. Dip her down
If the mood is right, add some sensuality and chivalry to your first kiss by gently dipping her down, ballroom-style. There's no better way to make her feel like she's with a powerful and confident man. Do it right, and she'll never forget the moment... And if you don't know what "chivalry" is, look it up.
8. Use your hands
Women love to be caressed, especially while they're being kissed. Starting above her ear, run your fingers through her hair, down to her neck and all the way down her back. Then slowly slide your hand back up again. Use both hands, and alternate between using your whole hand and just the tips of your fingers to give her an experience she won't soon forget.
9. Spice it up
Once initial contact has been made, spice it up a bit with some variety. Move from short, soft kisses into longer, deeper ones, then back again... and don't use your tongue any more than she does. Change the angle by moving your head to the other side, and alternate between sucking on her lower and upper lip. Be sure to stop to breathe after every few kisses. These little moves will let her know that you KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE DOING. (Added that part in for sarcastic reasons to a Ms. Someone. *hint* *hint*)
10. Explore her body
When you're ready to really turn up the heat, kiss her on her neck and move your lips slowly up to her earlobes and give a light nibble. Don't be surprised when she starts breathing heavily.
Damn... I should of placed a bet on this bulletin. Would of been the easiest money I've made in a while.
-Malichai OUT!~
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Yes, I did spell it right. I'm talking about Skyn, a company that designs laptop skins (otherwise known as covers for you un-techie people). The skins can be reused and apparently don't leave any gunky'ness behind. They come in a bunch of colours and designs and there's even a monogram style. I particularily like Eva Purple and Eva Pink. I could do with one of these!
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How Many Inches Is That?
Okay, stop thinking rude thoughts. This post isn't about anything naughty; it's about how annoying it is that the US and the UK use different units of measurement. More specifically, inches versus centimeters.I'm updating my resume (CV as it's called over here) right now. It was originally written on my laptop, which is American, and when I emailed it to myself and opened it on my work laptop, which is English, I realised that all the bullets and indents were wonky! ARGH. Then I realised it was because the American MS Word uses inches and the English MS Word uses centimeters! Double argh! Damn the metric system - you should be relegated to only maths and sciences!
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Animals On The Underground
The 'Real' Firefox
How cute is this?! I want to snuggle it!
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Po Na Na and The Fez Club
Last night was Roberta's birthday. She's the wife of Enrique who works with Rasmus who is Lam's boyfriend. Confusing, eh? And Lam's my friend, so I got invited along to the party. Plus, I've met Roberta and Enrique before at a bbq party, so it was cool. Roberta and Enrique invited their friends and mates from work so I knew several people there already besides Lam and Rasmus.The party started at Po Na Na, a club decked out in Moroccan style. It was a nice place but the music sucked. It was all techno/house stuff. Oi. I was already tired and the music didn't help either; it made me want to sleep. But afterward, we all moved to The Fez Club (same company, same interior decorator) and THAT was much better. They actually played some good songs (read: songs I like to dance to), like Beyonce, Sean Paul and The Black Eyed Peas. It was awesome partly because everyone was dancing and Rasmus' workmates are all a little crazy and wild so it was a lot of fun, and partly because it'd be TOO long since I've been out to a proper club and danced the night away. w00t w00t!
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AH! The phone I want is coming out in brownnnnnnnn. And apparently, it will be exclusive to Taiwan and Hong Kong starting next month. Time to pull some strings, eh??
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While browsing my usual daily cornucopia of websites, I ended on Bombay Duck after multiple clicks and I absolutely love this site! It's chock full of chic stuff - 'fabulous gifts and home interiors' in their own words. Check out some of the products:
A gorgeous, girly satin jewellry box in pink or black, perfect for storing my collection of earrings. I've been looking for a pretty (duh) jewellry box that doesn't look like it belongs to a 10-year-old and that's fulling lined. I wonder if it's big enough to hold all my stuff... £25
Chandeliers! I love chandeliers and I am SO getting one when I get my own place. £175
Who loves vintage? I do! The vintage tea party collection is SO lovely. It purrs femininity. Reminds me of Rosanna's tableware designs, which I love even more. £5-£15
More vintage! Gorgeous! Need I say more??
And when I have my own place and I find myself single, and it's Christmas time, I'm gonna get these baubles for my tree.
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I Love My Job
This is what I do at my job. This is what new media is about. Mix the two together and what do you get? This. Send your news release via email and you get almost instant gratification when you see it posted an hour later on websites. (Plus, I get metioned, too. Cool!) God, I love my job.
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Celtic Butterfly
If only Kit Heath came out with this design earlier, I might've gotten this butterfly as my tattoo instead. A second one perhaps? Ha.
There's a matching necklace, too. I love his stuff.
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Seeing Double at Ceroc
Nick brought two new 'recruits' (how military) to Ceroc last night. Guess their names. John and Johnny. What?! First there are 2 Nicks and now there are 2 Johns! Do you guys just flock towards each other? 'Hey we have the same name! Let's be friends!' Good grief, Charlie Brown. This situation is getting a bit out of hand.
I also saw Mark at Ceroc last night. Yay! He's Kate's friend from St. Neots and although he goes to other Ceroc venues, this is the first time I've seen him at the Cambridge one. It was great because Mark's really, really good and I've known him long enough so that he feels comfortable throwing me around in lunges and leans and other crazy, cool moves. Dude, I got so dizzy but it was so much fun.
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Tuesday Night Boredom
I love Mondays now, and Wednesdays, because those are Ceroc nights. *Grin* Thursdays are tolerable as it's almost the weekend. But what about Tuesdays? What am I supposed to do on Tuesdays?? Hmm... Didn't Nick say something about teaching me how to drive a manual? An idea... Which reminds me: why does everyone laugh when I say I'm a really good driver? How come no one believes me?!
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Go Cats Go!
Back home, football often happens on a Sunday or Monday and it's one of those things I just grew up with (Dad hogs the TV during these times). So when I was invited to a football (now, we're talking American football here, not soccer football) game on Sunday, I gladly said yes. (It helped that the person who invited me was cute.)Anyway, that's what I spent Sunday afternoon doing: watching a bunch of grown men in red and blue yell and holler, pound each other into the grass and chase after an almond shaped, pig-skin covered object. (Actually, I don't think footballs are covered in pig's skin anymore...) Sometimes I wonder where the hell is the enjoyment of such activities but then I remember when I'm cheering out loud for a touchdown. And sometimes, man really isn't all that far removed from the Neanderthal. Hehehe.Nick, from Ceroc, plays football and has been playing it for the last 6 or 7 years. Whoa, wait. American football in Europe?? Shocker. Very cool, though. It's actually a national league here and very organised. So last week he invited me to the game and the American in me rejoiced. Football on a Sunday? How like home. Now, I'm not a huge sports fan but I do love watching games live (that's live in person, not live on TV). It's all about the atmosphere and getting caught up in it; it's quite exciting even if I don't know half the rules to the game. (Everytime I think of football, I think of my classmate Jackie Nakata's grandmother asking where was the yellow line when they took her to watch a live game. Awesome.)The game was very enjoyable; it was Cambridge Cats versus Sussex Thunder. So were the, ah, views as well. I've never been much of a looker at the rear-end but goodness me, I sure was looking yesterday! Unfortunately, the Cats lost by 5 points (less than one touchdown!) and therefore aren't in the playoffs. Shame. But the weather was nice - not too hot - and I met a lovely couple at the game who explained the whats and hows of the league to me. Basically, it's an actual tournament, cumulating with playoffs and the BritBowl. Of course, by the time the game ended it was time for dinner and since Nick needed to shower and change, we went back to his place so I could twiddle my thumbs while he scrubbed up. (Actually, I raided his extensive DVD collection and started watching Big Trouble in Little China - I love that film. He's got a lot of good movies and by good, I mean running along my tastes of course!)
His flat's very, very nice. He's got jerseys of all the teams he's played for, pictures of him and his troops (platoons? battalions?), posters and all other sorts of personal 'me' stuff. The walls are painted a dark burnt orange so it's got a very comfortable, cosy feeling to it but it's also quite big and spacious, especially for just one person. He choose the colour and painted the place himself. I'm impressed, not with the paint job (anyone can paint a room) but with the tasteful choice in colour. There's an en suite toilet but apparently the shower's somewhere else since he left the room to clean up. It's nice being an officer.
For dinner, we had curry - mm mmm! - and had a good laugh while watching A Question of Sport and Will & Grace. Jack and Karen are my favourite characters. After dinner, we had a good laugh at some video clips he'd downloaded - Terry Tate the Office Linebacker is hilarious - and I showed him Yellow Fever on YouTube.He also showed off his uniforms and (2) medals, to which I properly oohed and aahed and fondled. How swanky. I hadn't realised that medals were personalised with one's name; they were pretty spiffy. Say it with me now: 'oooooOOOOOooooo'. I don't remember exactly what the medals were for but I know one was for serving in Iraq. And since he's in The King's Own Scottish Borderers, he's gonna get a kilt soon. Say it again: 'oooooooOOOOOOOooooooo'. Scots, kilts, bagpipes, oh my! Very exciting. I love bagpipes.
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It's All True
I'm a Seattle-ite at heart because almost all of the following are true. (Thanks for the MySpace post Em.)
-have no concept of humidity without precipitation.
-you throw an aluminum can in the trash and feel guilty.
-you use the words 'sun breaks' and know what it means.
-you complain about Californians as you sell your house to one for twice its value.
-you never go camping without waterproof matches and ponchos.
-you stand on a deserted street corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" signal.
-you know more people who own boats than air conditioners.
-you consider that if it has no snow or has not recently erupted, it's not a real mountain.
-in the winter, you go to work in the dark, come home in the dark, and only have an 8-hour workday.
-you understand what people mean when they say 'pop.'
-you consider a floating bridge a pain in the butt, not an engineering marvel.
-you know what lutefisk is.
-you can point to at least two volcanoes, even if you can't see through the cloud cover.
-you personally know someone from Alaska.
-you feel like you've grown up with Bill Gates and can't figure out why people can be so mean to him.
-you think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists.
-you know how to pronounce: Sequim, Puyallup, Snohomish, Enumclaw and Issaquah.
-you know the difference between a Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye salmon.
-you knew immediately that the view out "Frasier's" window was fake.
-you know a bride & groom who registered at REI.
-you are amazed at an accurate weather forecast.
-you put on your shorts when the temperature gets above 50 degrees, but still wear your hiking boots & parka.
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Another Marriage/Pregnancy
Ohmydeargod. Everyone, everyone, around me is getting married! Or pregnant! It's that or they know someone who's getting married and that's only one degree off from me. OR BOTH!! Madness. I just got news that Holly not only JUST got engaged (last Thursday, after 7 years), she's also expecting!! *Faint* I'm SOOOO happy for you Hols! So, counting Holly, that, yeah, I've lost track of how many people who are getting married/pregnant.Let's the top of my head:-2 cousins, both mom's side, got married-one of the cousins have a kid now: Jung Jung (he's soooo cute)-Kate and Hols are pregant-Khoan, Hols and Em are engaged-Flick attended one wedding on Sunday and there's another one coming up-Ros (whom I newly met from dance) is attending a wedding this weekend-Neil (from work) has 3 weddings that he's attending-I'm sure Big Boss James is back in town this month for a wedding, tooSheesh. Or is it that time of year again? Or am I just hitting that age when it all cumulates to this? Humph!
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