It was fun. Not as fun as Ryan's birthday but it was good. The funny thing was we were in the middle of mingling and waiting for Charlie's mom to call to say that Charlie was coming in so we could get ready...but, guess what. No phone call! Charlie walked through the door, by which I was standing, and my thought processes went like this: 'Hey..that's birthday boy...HEY, OHMYGOSH IT'S THE BIRTHDAY BOY' and then I yelled 'SURPRISE!' somewhat belatedly. Then everyone chimed in and there were lots of hugs, shrieks, and laughs all around. It was hilarious; we were SO not expecting him! Georgia had baked him a huge penis shaped cake (using 2 round pans and a square pan - how ingenious!) which was really very good. It was just yellow cake covered in chocolate frosting! Sheesh. When Charlie made the first cut, everyone was yelling 'OMG you cut the penis!' Haha. Charlie was reliving his 21st birthday, doing another 21 Run again, so there were a lot of alcohol around the apartment. Gross. I, as usual, didn't have any; the fruit punch was really good!
Afterwards, we went to R Place, again. Yes, again. But hey, they play good music and it's always a lot of fun so why not! So here are the pictures from the rest of the night.
How GOOD does my hair look! Yeah, that's what I thought!! (Freshly washed that morning.)

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